
We are proud of our reputation as a world-class automotive supplier, with a focus on quality embedded in everything that we do. We hold the leading industry certifications in quality assurance, including IATF16949, which underlines our commitment to best practice.

At PSM, quality is part of our culture, led by our people.

Our commitment to quality comes from our employees. At every level of the company, we are committed to a common focus on achieving the highest production standards. We also hold the ISO14001 certification, which underpins our commitment to environmental standards.

Our people

Meet our team of experts

Our expert team have decades of experience, supporting customers through every stage of their production and development cycles.

Meet the team

Trusted by our customers certified by professionals

A focus on quality is embedded in everything we do. We hold the leading industry certifications in quality assurance, rigorously testing every aspect of the business.

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Thinking big

Environmental, Social and Governance

From using renewable energy to our environmental certifications; PSM are investing in sustainable production practices, supporting electrification in the automotive sector.

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A history of quality and innovation

Established in 1948, we work with the world’s leading automotive producers.


More than two million components produced each year across our manufacturing sites.


More than £14million invested in equipment and facilities.

> 200

More than 200 talented employees.

Supplying quality products for customers for over 75 years

Our history